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Aldi prices added to e-commerce comparison app

Aldi prices added to e-commerce comparison app

Posted: 3rd Sep 2013

Budget supermarket chain Aldi has enjoyed impressive sales growth over the last few years, with the fragile economic conditions in the UK encouraging Brits to think carefully about how much they spend on groceries.

Over the past 12 months sales at Aldi have risen by almost a third and now they could climb even higher as the smartphone app has just been updated to include the ability to compare its prices against those of Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's Waitrose and Ocado.

Aldi deals predominantly with own-brand items, so they will mostly appear when consumers weigh them up against the equivalent offerings from its contemporaries, according to ThisIsMoney.

Although you cannot buy products from Aldi via safe shopping online, the use of this m-commerce price comparison app could well inform consumer trends and dictate whether or not people carry out their weekly in-store shop with this supermarket or with another chain.

Supermarkets have always been competitive on price, but with the range of apps and online services available to modern consumers it is much harder for them to have major discrepancies in prices.

Customers can now use a smartphone to check up to see whether they are paying over the odds for a product while they are in-store. This combination of bricks and mortar retail and safe shopping online empowers consumers and ensures that the lowest prices are always achieved.

Aldi's targeting of the squeezed middle classes in the UK seems set to continue, with a wider range of products on offer than ever before.

Rival firms may still have the edge when it comes to the actual shopping experience, as well as offering far better e-commerce facilities, but this may not be enough to halt the ascent of Aldi to the upper echelons of British retail.

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