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Amazon could introduce restaurant delivery service to UK

Amazon could introduce restaurant delivery service to UK

Posted: 8th Mar 2016

Not content with selling hundreds of millions of products via safe shopping online and taking on supermarkets at their own game with a grocery delivery service, Amazon is now looking into the concept of bringing piping hot dishes from restaurants to British customers in the future.

Reuters reports that the e-commerce giant has been conducting a survey of users from the UK, in order to work out whether there is a demand for this type of service.

Respondents are asked to indicate whether or not they have made use of existing online takeaway ordering platforms, including mainstream names, like Just Eat, which indicates that there might soon be a new competitor in town if Amazon decides to pull the trigger and launch an equivalent solution.

The survey goes on to ask people to point out any flaws in existing platforms of this kind, as well as making suggestions as to how they might be improved. And if people answer honestly, then Amazon could avoid making the same mistakes as its rivals, if it decides to enter this market.

So far, neither Amazon nor any of the companies which allow people to use safe shopping online to order food from local restaurants have been willing to pass comment on this news. But industry analyst, Neil Campling, said that it would make sense for Amazon to add yet another string to its bow, especially since it has already rolled out a similar service in America.

The UK tends to be the proving ground for new Amazon services before they are rolled out internationally, meaning that if it does decide to start selling fast food with the help of eateries across the country, then customers here will be among the first to know about it.

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