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Amazon instigates mass password reset for safe shopping online

Amazon instigates mass password reset for safe shopping online

Posted: 30th Nov 2015

Online retail giant, Amazon, has contacted a number of its customers to alert them to the fact that they will need to reset their passwords if they want to continue using their accounts to carry out shopping online, that's according to SC Magazine.

The enforced resetting of passwords is apparently due to existing login information having been stored or transmitted in a vulnerable manner, as Amazon explains in its email to those who have been impacted by this incident.

The firm has reassured shoppers that there is no longer an issue with its services, while also saying that as far as it is aware, no passwords have actually been leaked to malicious third parties in the process. But it has merely taken the action in order to ensure that total security is restored and that the utmost caution is used when dealing with matters like this.

Industry experts claim that one of the reasons that Amazon took the decision to make customers reset their passwords is because of fears about potential exploitation taking place on Black Friday this year. And there were heightened concerns about attempts by cybercriminals to capitalise on the frenzied shopping event.

No doubt, there will be some Amazon customers who feel inconvenienced by the request to reset their password, but this is something that has to be done from time to time and it is a good idea to change your password regularly on all services you use. This is especially true for e-commerce site users, since anyone who gains access to your account could, potentially, steal your identity and financial details.

Amazon is tightening up security across the board at the moment, with the recent introduction of a two-factor authentication process to further improve the levels of protection that it offers to its customers.

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