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Amazon triumphs in global study of best value brands

Amazon triumphs in global study of best value brands

Posted: 16th Mar 2011

E-commerce firm Amazon has come out on top in a study which looked at many of the biggest brands in the world, to determine which one was the best value for consumers.

Analyst firm Millward Brown has conducted the study and said that Amazon was not only the best value brand in the UK, but also on the entire planet.

The second place in the list of value brands available in the UK was Colgate, a family favourite toothpaste manufacturer which has been a staple of bathrooms for decades.

Amazon, with its long standing position as the world's favourite place to carry out safe shopping online, was able to beat out some big name competition to take the top spot in the survey.

Finnish mobile phone manufacturing giant Nokia came into the list at the number three spot, while software firm Microsoft took seventh place in the global rankings.

When you look at the UK results things are a little different. Here, auction site eBay is actually in third place, followed more closely by Microsoft, which apparently represents better value on our soil than it does elsewhere.

Millward Brown spokesperson, Peter Walshe, said that the study looked at the brands which were able to achieve a balance between consumer perception and the price of the products or services which they are offering.

Mr Walshe hopes that those companies which were unable to breach the top ten will look at any disparities between these two areas and try to improve on their image and pricing to achieve a better ranking next time.

Amazon was in the news this week after it started to sell its Kindle eBook Reader via high street retailers and not just through its channels for safe shopping online.

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