Brighton tops list of UK biggest festive online shopping communities
This week, the Royal Mail revealed which of the UK’s towns and cities were the ten biggest hotspots for shopping online over the course of Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year.
Heading up the league table in the top spot was Brighton, which collectively purchased more products on the two busiest shopping days of the year than anywhere else in Britain.
Royal Mail spokesperson, Nick London, said that to cope with the Christmas rush of safe shopping online, his organisation has set up ten extra sorting offices. There are also 19,000 temporary staff working for the firm over the festive season, which shows that a lot of peoplepower is required to turn all of those online orders placed by consumers into parcels that arrive just in time for the big day itself.
Of course, there was also controversy over the way that Black Friday promotions caused a shopping frenzy on the high street, with many big name retailers criticised for the way they handled the crowds.
The chaos on the high street was avoided by the millions of Brits who, instead, turned to the internet on November 28th and December 1st, where the worst that could happen was a page failing to load because of the sheer volume of people attempting to use e-commerce sites simultaneously.
While ranking the country’s online shopping hotspots gives an intriguing glimpse at the regional differences in consumer habits across the UK, as a whole, the nation is a global leader when it comes to using e-commerce services.
Brighton taking the top spot may not be a surprise, but other places that appeared in the top ten include Lincoln, Norwich and Tunbridge Wells, showing that there is intense interest in online shopping nationwide.