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British fashion brands generate e-commerce interest overseas

British fashion brands generate e-commerce interest overseas

Posted: 7th May 2018

More international consumers are searching for UK-based brands offering fashion items via safe shopping online than ever before, according to a new study from BRC.

Internet Retailing reports that the first three months of the year saw a significant uptick in overseas interest in clothing outlets based in Britain.

Interestingly enough, it was Italy that accounted for the most searches of this kind, taking up 31 per cent of the total. 

This report focused on searches carried out from smartphones, both in Europe and other parts of the world. It revealed that UK shoppers were more interested in beauty products during this period, with a 10 per cent rise in relevant searches from mobile devices.

The study also broke down search habits across different regions of Britain itself, with 26 per cent of mobile queries made by those living in Yorkshire and the North of England in general. Meanwhile, 23 per cent of the market was cornered by Londoners, which means that the capital is not quite as dominant as some might have expected when it comes to safe shopping online.

Report spokesperson, Helen Dickinson, said that growth in e-commerce searches so far this year has been in line with earlier predictions, with fashion and beauty making the biggest splash, both domestically and internationally.

She claimed that because retailers are currently in the process of making significant investments to bring their mobile-friendly shopping services up to scratch, it is likely that this trend will continue to build up steam over the course of 2018.

While the first quarter of any year is usually a little subdued in terms of sales because of the post-Christmas belt-tightening in many households, this does not stop people from searching for products they want to purchase once they have saved up a little.

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