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British retailers seen as leaders in terms of IoT integration

British retailers seen as leaders in terms of IoT integration

Posted: 6th Apr 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a loose term describing an array of web-connected devices, but it is starting to have a very specific impact on the way that products are designed and services are offered.

A new study from Genesys has suggested that retailers based in the UK are outdoing their continental counterparts when it comes to preparing for the rise of the IoT and ensuring that customers can receive cutting edge experiences, both in-store and via safe shopping online.

A thousand retail representatives from throughout Europe were questioned as part of the report, with 57 per cent of Brits stating that they are clued in to what the IoT can bring to the table in this sector, according to Internet Retailing. By comparison, just a third of those across the continent were similarly confident.

Moreover, the vast majority of retailers based in the UK are intending to combine IoT devices with the kinds of experiences that are available to their customers, which again puts them well ahead of those based elsewhere.

There are a number of ways that the IoT can mesh with safe shopping online. For example, the rollout of Amazon Dash buttons, designed to place one click ordering of specific products into individual devices around the home, has already drawn plenty of attention.

As smart appliances become more common, it is now possible for people to manage their entire e-commerce existence from the devices in their homes. And in a growing number of cases, this process can even be automated so that the right items are ordered without the consumer even having to think about what they need to buy.

The digital-first approach that is favoured by retailers in the UK has come about as a result of domestic consumers’ hunger for online shopping. And the IoT looks set to reaffirm this link, not disrupt it.

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