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Christmas shopping trends revealed

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - 09:21 by Sarah Collinson

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A new survey, conducted by NetDespatch, has looked at how consumers in the UK will be using the web to shop online ahead of the festive season this year. Statistics show that people will be spending more and preparing earlier than ever before.

2000 respondents participated in the study, which found that although getting gifts ahead of time may seem like the kind of thing that older generations choose to do, a growing number of youngsters are actually harnessing the web to get present procurement out of the way early.

A quarter of those questioned who were aged between 16 and 24, said that they began using the web to purchase gifts for Christmas 2014 in September, putting them several months ahead of the curve and allowing them to avoid the rush closer to December 25th.

Forty seven per cent of the female respondents said that they would have completed all of their Christmas purchases via safe shopping online before November, while around one in 10 males waits until the week before the big day itself.

In total, 88 per cent said that they will be using the internet to buy presents and other festive products this year, with almost a third of respondents stating that they will be splashing out more online in 2014 than they did in 2013.

The report also looked at the problems that people have when shopping online, with 27 per cent criticising retailers for the cost of shipping and 25 per cent complaining about the hassle that is caused if they miss a delivery slot and have to rearrange.

Although some problems can arise when shopping online, the reality is that the internet has made it more affordable and convenient for most people to stock up on the items they need.