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CoE endorses festive online shopping

CoE endorses festive online shopping

Posted: 29th Dec 2012

Millions of Brits spent hundreds of millions of pounds online during the Christmas break, with many taking advantage of retailers who started sales early to beat rivals to the punch.

There were also quite a few people who felt more than a little guilty about using safe shopping online to splurge on more products, during a period which should really be dedicated to remembering the story of the Nativity and the other oft-overlooked elements of the season.

However, the Church of England has gone some way towards allaying the feelings of guilt according to the Telegraph, since it released a statement this week, in which it essentially said that people should not be denying themselves the pleasure and joy they derive from a bit of retail therapy.

This came shortly after a former Archbishop of Canterbury complained that people's lives were being overtaken by gadgets, to the detriment of a family-oriented Christmas.

It seems that some in the CoE are more confident in the benefits of safe shopping online than others, although the ultimate message is the same as it has always been: eat, drink and be merry at Christmas, in whatever way suits your tastes.

Those who are looking to take advantage of the Christmas sales will be able to find more than a few bargains online at the moment, although it is worth getting your orders in early, as figures suggest that more consumers than ever will be doing some shopping on their PCs, smartphones and tablets over the next few days.

The one scene which was probably reproduced across the country on Christmas Day and Boxing Day involved whole families seated in front of the TV, with each member grasping a touchscreen gadget of their own.

Whether or not this is a good thing is up for debate, but it is a trend that seems unlikely to end in the near future.

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