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Common Sense required to beat Online Fraud

Common Sense required to beat Online Fraud

Posted: 23rd Mar 2009
I was asked today about the new figures released by APACS revealing a surge in online fraud.

Online banking fraud jumped 132% to 52.5 million. Credit card fraud in total was just over £600 million in the UK last year. (2008)

Your first thoughts on reading this might naturally be shock and worry - and I wouldn't blaim you.

But with a few simple precautions you too can be safe online. At we have many safe shopping tips but here are 3

  1. NEVER click on a link in an email purporting to be from your bank or anywhere else and give your password, bank details or other security information (Mother's maiden name for example). If they are desperate call them - it won't hurt.
  2. ALWAYS use online shops that are recommended to you
  3. CHOOSE a different online banking password to all your other ones - and never use it anywhere else online

Follow these simple steps and you won't be in the statistics next year.

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