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Consumers combine TV sessions with online shopping

Consumers combine TV sessions with online shopping

Posted: 23rd Aug 2011


A large number of UK consumers regularly carry out safe shopping online from the comfort of their sofas while simultaneously watching television, according to a study commissioned by Deloitte.

Forty-five per cent of the 4000 people questioned in the report said that they thought online shopping was the best thing to do while lounging in the living room and taking in a show.

The survey discovered that almost 50 per cent of consumers are going to invest in either a new HDTV or a new tablet PC within the next 12 months. With the tablet revolution in full swing it will become even easier for consumers to carry out safe shopping online while sitting in front of the TV.

In 2010 the number of people who never browsed the web and watched TV in tandem was at 39 per cent, but this has fallen significantly to 22 per cent in this year's study.

Around half of those aged between 18-24 who took part in the report said that television advertisements had caused them to get out their laptops, smartphones or tablets to do a search for the promoted product online.

Female shoppers in this age bracket were the most likely to head to online shops while watching the TV, potentially shifting the gender balance away from what might be traditionally thought of as a male-dominated area in the future.

Deloitte spokesperson, Jolyon Barker, said that TV can encourage impulse buying, particularly given the prevalence of web access in modern living rooms from tablets and mobiles. He describes such gadgets as digital tills and this will obviously be music to the ears of retailers and advertisers.

Mr Barker did point out that the level of product promotion within ads needs to be modulated so as not to suffocate the viewer and put them off making a purchase online.


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