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Coupons and Confidence Drive Women To Spend Online

Coupons and Confidence Drive Women To Spend Online

Posted: 25th May 2010

Safe shopping online is not limited to either gender and whilst statistics have indicated that the two genders deviate from each other when it comes to shopping patterns and time spent making purchases, both devote significant time to the process of safe shopping online. However, a new piece of research by iVillage/SheSpeaks has focused on women and in particular, the online influences that have a bearing on how women shop online.

The research identified a number of key statistics; among them, the study found that 77% of women asked were likely to be swayed by recommendations by their peers, which could include personal recommendations by friends or by reviewers on websites such as Amazon. These recommendations may also come through brand advocates online. The result is that favourable product reviews engender a feeling of confidence in the female consumer as she makes her purchase.

Women are also likely to opt for products for which they have a voucher code or coupon, with 68% of women confirming that the availability of discount coupons might drive their decision to buy specific items. This statistic indicates that voucher codes remain a big draw and that online retailers need to ensure that they are available as part of any online marketing strategy directed at female consumers.

Half of the women surveyed also reported that they are likely to follow or 'like' brand pages on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. These sites are increasingly populated with product information and may include recommendations and reviews by consumers, often biased towards the brand. However, social networks in general, particularly those with higher numbers of female users than male, are perceived as a good place in which to discuss products, enabling women to do a significant amount of research on any products prior to finally making a purchasing decision.

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