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eBay publishes m-commerce buying trends for 2010

eBay publishes m-commerce buying trends for 2010

Posted: 11th Jan 2011

Online auction site eBay has released figures which detail the way in which citizens of different nations used their mobiles to buy products online over the last year, producing some interesting results.

The eBay application for smartphones was downloaded by more than 30 million different people around the world last year and the firm has been able to monitor the way in which customers use its m-commerce tools to spend their cash.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, there was a 166 per cent rise in the number of sales made by mobile phone, with revenues of £230 million drawn in from the portable portal for safe shopping online operated by eBay.

People were buying Rolexes and diamond necklaces from the auction site, showing that even with the economic pressures, there are those willing to splash some cash and bid for high-rolling items.

The wealth of sporting events in 2010 meant that people were also buying and selling memorabilia related to the biggest gatherings on eBay, with Germans making the biggest commitment to the South African World Cup and Canadians stocking up on goods back in February, during the Winter Olympics.

On February 14th, the sales of games via eBay mobile were up by 68 per cent, fuelled in part by gaming events which were being held by major publishers.

In the middle of 2010 the eBay fashion app was launched and it quickly became a favourite of mobile users in the UK, Australia and Germany, where people rushed to buy clothes and accessories from their phones.

UK users who sought safe shopping online via the auction site's mobile service, spent the most money on vehicles in 2010, with fashion items coming in second place and car parts sitting in a close third.

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