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E-commerce delivery satisfaction improves

E-commerce delivery satisfaction improves

Posted: 3rd Jul 2013

British consumers are more satisfied than ever with the level of service they receive when getting items delivered when shopping online.

This is according to a new report from IMRG, which found that 81.1 per cent of buyers were willing to express satisfaction with deliveries from web-based retailers.

This means that it is second only to the amount of choice that consumers receive when they make online purchases, in terms of the satisfaction that is expressed.

Overall, the levels of consumer satisfaction measured by the report were deemed to be at 83.4 per cent, which is the highest ever rating in the five years during which this study has been consecutively conducted.

IMRG spokesperson, Andy Mulcahy, revealed the two main factors which have contributed to a rise in satisfaction with safe shopping online.

The first is that the amount of money being spent on improving e-commerce sites is significant, with retailers finally clocking onto the idea that they need to make online shopping a consumer-centric experience.

The second is the growth in additional technologies which are available to help enhance e-commerce, such as smartphones and social media.

Mr Mulcahy pointed out that retailers should not get complacent or else they could risk damaging consumer confidence and reducing satisfaction levels, rather than increasing them.

In fact, he argued that consumers would come to expect even better levels of service, as retailers raise the bar, which is why ongoing investment needs to be made.

The strong growth in online sales that continues to be registered in the UK month by month suggests that more and more people are willing to commit more of their money to e-commerce outlets.

With more ways to shop online than ever before and more channels available for product research, buyers are in the best position.

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