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E-commerce impact of social media measured

E-commerce impact of social media measured

Posted: 26th Oct 2018

British and American people who regularly indulge in safe shopping online are increasingly influenced by social media, according to a new study from GlobalWebIndex.

In the UK it found that 49 per cent of consumers were commonly converted by popular networking sites, rising to 53 per cent in the US.

Facebook is the leader of the pack, with two fifths of Brits admitting that they had completed an e-commerce transaction via its shopping services.

Perhaps unsurprisingly the report also looked at how the upcoming festive discount seasons will play a role in boosting the profile of social media as a retail channel even further, with two thirds of UK users expected to start their shopping journey through these platforms on Black Friday and Cyber Monday next month.

Twenty five per cent said that they were not going to be swayed by offers presented to them on social media, so it is clear that the majority of people are actually entirely open to the opportunities that are made available while they are communicating with friends and keeping up with world events.

Social media has become a hugely powerful advertising solution for brands and retailers alike, with distinct ads, promoted posts and influencer tie-ins helping many companies to gain traction. This not only helps the platforms turn a profit, but creates incredible levels of engagement, since using social media is such an intimate experience.

Instagram is set to become the most prominent platform for advertising an e-commerce over Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year, with the study finding that people like to get a thorough preview of a product on their feed before they decide to buy. It remains slightly more impactful in the US than the UK, although Brits are quickly cottoning on to its benefits.

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