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Final complaint sorted out.

Final complaint sorted out.

Posted: 23rd Jan 2006
That's it, we've just had confirmation from a merchant that the final Christmas shopping customer who made a complaint to us about a Shopsafe listed online shopping site has received their goods. A bit late I know, but better than nothing.

We had a great deal of complaints about goods not arriving, arriving in poor condition or the wrong thing turning up, but considering the huge increase in online shopping over Christmas I don't think we saw a like for like increase in complaints, which hopefully indicates that in 2005 online shopping sites got their acts together!

All of the complaints were sorted out, we either arranged a different delivery date or a refund. A couple of sites lost their Shopsafe approved status, but if they can't fulfil their promise then we don't want them listed.

If you have a problem with a Shopsafe listed web site, and no one else can help, maybe you could try our complaints forms.

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