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International shoppers target UK retailers online

International shoppers target UK retailers online

Posted: 7th Feb 2017

In the final quarter of 2016 the number of people from other countries who used search engines to find retailers based in the UK was up by 23 per cent, according to new figures from BRC.

This is seen as evidence of the growing power that British retail brands hold in the international marketplace, with overseas consumers seeking to carry out safe shopping online with the reputable firms originating here.

The report also showed that more people were looking up retailers and products from smartphones and tablets, with a 16 per cent year on year increase in this type of activity discovered.

Report spokesperson, Martijn Bertisen, said that one of the reasons for the rise in overseas interest in UK retail brands is that the weakened value of the pound has given international shoppers more spending power here.

In particular, he pointed out that a lot of consumers from other European countries were taking advantage of the relative strength of the Euro to bag bargains via safe shopping online.

Analysts also pointed out that smartphones are generating the most significant growth in search volumes, with the decline of the tablet market meaning that there is greater emphasis on portable handsets.

Fashion is the biggest area of interest for international consumers buying from British brands, with health and beauty products coming in second place. Interestingly, the country which has seen the biggest growth in activity is Croatia, with searches for UK brands up by 106 per cent year on year.

Meanwhile for Brits buying items online, the biggest draw is consumer electronics, with major savings available on Black Friday helping people to spend more on items like TVs and other gadgets, while still seeking to reduce the amount they might usually pay for this type of product.

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