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Location based m-commerce deals a winner for O2

Location based m-commerce deals a winner for O2

Posted: 6th May 2011

UK network provider O2 has begun to prove how powerful m-commerce can be when combined with exclusive offers based on a user's location, announcing that its brand is being strengthened by pursuing new avenues for safe shopping online.

There are already many m-commerce apps attached to big name retailers, but the fact that mobile networks are getting in on the act and making shopping a more involving experience, is surely a good sign for all involved.

At the moment the network has location based deals in place with supermarket chain Co-Op and it has announced that sports brand Adidas is also joining the fray.

By using GPS data gathered from users' phones, it will be possible to pinpoint their locations and unlock bespoke deals at the retailers who are signed up to the initiative. This clever combination of the tools of safe shopping online with the best parts of being out and about on the high street will definitely appeal to many consumers.

According to analysis from WaveMetrix, the brand of O2 is being fortified thanks to these m-commerce bargains, with users feeling like they are part of a wider community when they get involved in this way.

Statistics based on scrutiny of O2's Facebook page shows that in general, O2 itself and the location-based m-commerce services are receiving overwhelmingly positive comments from users, with close to 40 per cent of all posts on its wall relating to a wider appreciation of the network's branding.

Consumers not only enjoy the fun aspects of accessing offers based on their locations but they also like how this kind of tech can be used to ensure that the information they are getting is relevant to their surroundings and feels tailored to their specific retail requirements.

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