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Millennials flock to mobile shopping this Christmas

Millennials flock to mobile shopping this Christmas

Posted: 13th Dec 2016

A study from Catchpoint has indicated that the rise of m-commerce as the main mode of safe shopping online is especially prevalent among millennial consumers, with 46 per cent of those who fit into the under 35 age bracket stating that they will be completing their festive gift buying from their smartphone this year.

When questioned about why mobile devices are such an appealing option for safe shopping online, 42 per cent of millennial respondents said that the experience was preferable to facing the hustle and bustle of the high street at this time of year.

By comparison, less than a third of consumers in older age brackets expressed a similar attraction to m-commerce, indicating that there is a generational divide in terms of expectations and experiences.

When it comes to actually carrying out a mobile shopping spree, the majority of people would prefer to be in bed, with this deemed to be the most popular place for a spot of m-commerce. The second most common venue was the office, with workers making use of their lunch break to snap up some last minute gifts, without having to go through their desktop workstation.

When it comes to the other factors which make a visit to bricks and mortar outlets less attractive, 33 per cent of millennial consumers said that they were not happy with the availability of in-store Wi-Fi. This shows that it is essential for retailers to think about offering this type of service and also making it simple to access, if they want to keep younger generations coming into their outlets.

Online shopping is going to generate more festive sales than ever this year, with a surge in mobile shopping showing that trends are still being reshaped as smartphone ownership grows further.

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