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New customer support solution offered by Amazon

New customer support solution offered by Amazon

Posted: 14th Jun 2018

Consumers who buy products via safe shopping online from Amazon in the UK can now get help setting up their purchases once they are delivered, thanks to the retailer’s freshly launched Home Services channel.

The arrangement of the visit by an expert can be carried out at the checkout, covering everything from the timeframe within which it falls to the price the customer will pay.

Although the workers will be representing Amazon, they are all third party contractors rather than permanent employees. The retailer has chosen the experts it works with carefully to ensure that buyers get the best experience and are completely satisfied with the results.

This not only means making sure that contractors have the right qualifications and licenses to carry out the proposed work, but also that they have a good reputation. No cowboy electricians or dodgy handymen will be involved in this scheme, or so Amazon claims.

A lot of the service packages offered under this new solution are built to fit the type of product that is being purchased. For example, a home cinema specialist will be able to set up a new TV and surround sound system for a set price, with a few clicks being all that is needed to add this to an order placed via safe shopping online.

In a survey that Amazon carried out ahead of bringing Home Services to British customers, it asked people what put them off the idea of embracing DIY. Thirty eight per cent said that they could not set aside enough time to complete tasks, a third said that they were intimidated by the difficulty of doing the work and a quarter said that they had had a catastrophe when making an attempt in the past, according to Internet Retailing.

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