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Online retailers ranked by shopper satisfaction

Online retailers ranked by shopper satisfaction

Posted: 23rd Dec 2010

A survey to find the online retailer that best satisfies consumers during their shopping experience has been carried out and, much like last year, it is industry giant Amazon that takes pole position above its peers.

Interestingly, the study from ForeSee Results shows that while big names like Amazon and Play offer the best experience when it comes to safe shopping online, many of the lesser-known e-commerce firms are slipping down the ladder of customer expectations, as they fail to meet ever-improving standards.

In 2010 customer satisfaction increased by one point to 72, in a scale with a maximum mark of 100. Amazon's UK site was differentiated from its US equivalent and scored 83, just one point behind its sibling.

John Lewis and Marks & Spencer both made it into the top five, although neither could breach the 80 barrier to make a stab at ousting the established firms.

Among the top 40 retailers covered, just seven saw a drop in the number of points they attained this year, compared to 2009.

ForeSee's Larry Freed, explained that the latest poll shows just how different the e-commerce firms are when it comes to providing customer satisfaction. He believes that the likes of Amazon and Play have used their considerable resources to continue improving their services, even in a time of recession.

Mr Freed encouraged small scale retailers to think big and appreciate that improving customer services in an online environment is an attainable goal, as long as you are willing to invest.

John Lewis spokesperson Andrea O'Donnell, said that the firm is committed to providing a unified, strong customer experience across all of its retail platforms, whether it is through safe shopping online or in its stores. She pointed out that the ability to order online and pickup in store was a big benefit that arrived this year.

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