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Retailers Urged to Address Poor Social Media Engagement L

Retailers Urged to Address Poor Social Media Engagement L

Posted: 16th Apr 2019

Sites that offer safe shopping online need to up their social media game and win over consumers on a wider array of platforms, according to a new study from Visualsoft.

In particular, analysts found that almost a fifth of outlets do not provide active options to encourage customers to share the purchases that they have made with their friends.

The report also revealed that retailers are not doing enough to grow their influence on Instagram, a platform which has managed to add a variety of shopping-related features recently.

Visualsoft spokesperson Daniel Dixon said that a broader array of people are jumping on social media services in the UK, straddling a multitude of sites and services and becoming increasingly engaged with the networking opportunities that are available. This means that if retailers want to take advantage of an ever-expanding audience of prospective customers, they need to act swiftly to stay ahead of the game.

One way of pursuing engagement is to encourage customers to create and contribute their own content to the social media conversation that retailers control. This spreads awareness about brands and brings people into social circles from outside.

This content generated by users can be incredibly simple and includes things like product photos taken after a sale once a purchase has arrived at the customer’s home.

Sharability is something that more brands and businesses are having to take into account in the social media age, although with so much competition out there it is certainly a challenge to plough a unique furrow and gain traction. Studies like this show the extent to which retailers in particular face an uphill struggle, and even with expert advice it seems like some sites will inevitably fall behind the curve with their digital marketing efforts.

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