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Sainsbury's announces intentions to double online sales

Sainsbury's announces intentions to double online sales

Posted: 25th Jul 2014

This week Sainsbury's announced that it is teaming up with IBM to overhaul its e-commerce offering and ideally double its online sales as quickly as possible, according to Computer World.

Spokesperson, Jon Rudoe, said that in the past 14 years it has been possible for Sainsbury's to build up an impressive e-commerce user base, to the point that it now sells £1 billion worth of groceries via safe shopping online every 12 months.

The migration to a new e-commerce platform will, according to Mr Rudoe, lead to this amount doubling, giving Sainsbury's a £2 billion annual take from its online outlet alone. And as bricks and mortar sales continue to stagnate, this will be a very important move to make.

So what is Sainsbury's hoping to achieve in the world of safe shopping online, aside from a boost to its sales? In short, it is going to be using IBM's platform to make its e-commerce service much more efficient and easy to use, so that customers can place orders and arrange deliveries without encountering any hiccups or holdups.

Much of the work will be happening behind the scenes, with Sainsbury's also committing to a more coordinated approach to distribution and delivery, which should give customers more choice when it comes to booking in a slot to have their order delivered to their homes.

With over eight million e-commerce accounts already in use, Sainsbury's has a sizeable user base on tap. But to achieve the dramatic sales increase it has in its sights, it will need to work hard to compete with rivals like Tesco and Asda, which are also pumping lots of cash into making online improvements.

For consumers that like to order their groceries online, this means that retailers will be falling over themselves to meet your needs.

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