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Seal of safety developed for European e-commerce sites

Seal of safety developed for European e-commerce sites

Posted: 26th Apr 2012

TrustMark Online is the seal of approval that has been created by IMRG and Trusted Shops, to help identify the retailers that are best equipped to guarantee safe shopping online.

E-commerce sites will need to undergo an extensive audit, which takes into account more than 70 points of security analysis in order to receive the mark, according to InternetRetailing.

Impressively, any site which is endowed with the mark will also need to provide customers with a guarantee that they will receive all of their money back, in the event that an error occurs or promises are not fulfilled by the retailer.

IMRG spokesperson, James Roper, said that he was very keen to get more and more people using e-commerce outlets, not only in the UK, but across Europe. In order to achieve this, he hopes that the new mark will be able to instantly identify the sites which provide safe shopping online with guaranteed levels of security, thus helping users to part with their cash confidently.

Mr Roper pointed to the international nature of modern e-commerce, which is not restrained by borders or boundaries as it has been in the past. Now this Europe-wide TrustMark Online service will allow UK consumers to shop with companies that are based overseas and still be sure that their transaction will be handled safely.

Trusted Shops MD, Jean-Marc Noel, said that many European retail groups were looking to win over customers from non-domestic markets. He said that e-commerce made this more affordable, but that concerns over security can only be allayed if there is a continental standard which users can recognise as denoting a safe site.

All involved are hoping that the creation of the new TrustMark Online will encourage retailers from across Europe to get accredited.

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