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Security risks rising due to work-based browsing habits

Security risks rising due to work-based browsing habits

Posted: 9th Jan 2018

People who regularly spend time online during working hours are creating problems for their employers, according to a study from DeMontford University.

Almost half of respondents admitted that they regularly became distracted while at the office as a result of browsing the web and carrying out safe shopping online, when they should be focusing on other tasks.

This is not just an issue in terms of productivity, but also creates an increased likelihood that security will be compromised in some way, the Daily Mail reports.

Furthermore, the longer a person spends using the internet for personal reasons at work, the less likely they are to stick to security rules when they are on the clock.

The correlation between a lack of security awareness and a willingness to waste time online during the week is perhaps not all that surprising, although researchers suggest that businesses need to do more to help all employees get a better understanding of the risks they face.

Experts argue that people who have poor browsing habits often assume that the company that employs them has adequate security measures in place to protect whatever they do, from safe shopping online to downloading files and more. But in reality, there are plenty of vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cyber-criminals, regardless of the number of firewalls that are in place.

People who share login details for work accounts, Wi-Fi networks and other services put everyone at risk. These are problems that exist outside of the office as well, since a lack of security skills can lead to people falling victim to cybercrime when they are at home or on the move.

Internet addiction is not a new concept, but it is one that is being looked at more closely than ever at the moment, with this study revealing its expanding sphere of influence.

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