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Should You Find out What Your Christmas Presents Cost?

Should You Find out What Your Christmas Presents Cost?

Posted: 25th Nov 2010
Christmas is a season for giving. Gifting is a symbol of the affection and love that we have for the dearest ones in our lives on one hand, and on the other hand, a practical social grace to say thank you to other friends and acquaintances. Should a price be put on your love or affection? Should you impress your friends or co-workers with a present? These are questions that require a personal answer, as each giver's situation is different. Financial issues might prevent someone to gift an expensive present, even when that person would want to give more or get a better present. Some people love to make their own presents as they feel that it is more personal and comes from them, and not from a commercialized source. There are many reasons why a person chooses a particular present; however, it necessarily does not signify that a person's affections towards the recipient are less or more . The popular adage - "It is the thought that counts" expresses it best.

Commercialism has clouded the meaning of gifting. Presents are viewed for their monetary value and not the sentiment attached to it. A person might want to know how much someone else spent in the gift he/she received for many reasons. One of them is to reciprocate at the same level. This is a personal issue as well, as present price-matching has never been the intention behind gifting - on the contrary, the intention is appreciation.

Another reason to want to find out how much the gift cost is a less humble one - the receiver just wants to know how much the person spent and if the present is worth it. Many people will re-gift a present to someone else for many reasons. In that case, they want to know the monetary value to ensure they are re-gifting an expensive or brand item. However, presents were meant to be presents. These days a simple online search will reveal the cost of a present, at least the potential cost.

In simpler times, people were happy to be thought of and the object of receiving a present; today, many people do not appreciate the thought, and much less, if this thought does not have certain monetary value attached to it. For those individuals, finding how much a Christmas present costs is second nature. Others, who value the present for what it is - and act of love and friendship - will never go there - they just do not need to know. Presents are as individual as people are, and finding out what your Christmas presents cost is a personal issue.
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