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Skoda Test-Drives In-Car Parcel Drop-Off Service

Skoda Test-Drives In-Car Parcel Drop-Off Service

Posted: 1st Apr 2019

The next generation of passenger vehicles could come with the ability to accept deliveries made after motorists place orders via safe shopping online, with auto manufacturer Skoda introducing a trial run of cutting-edge access technology, according to the Sun.

The idea is that consumers will no longer need to wait around at home until their delivery driver turns up; instead, they will simply be able to head out in their car and then expect that the package will come to them.

This is achieved through a combination of location-based technology and keyless entry systems. The delivery operative will use an app to pinpoint the position of the customer’s car, and then when they arrive, the software will also pop the lid of the boot so that the package can be deposited.

As well as making things more convenient for delivery firms and consumers alike, it should also mean that parcels can be left in an eminently secure place rather than having to be taken in by neighbours or exposed to theft on the doorstep.

Skoda is expecting that in the wake of the small-scale trial in its native Czech Republic, it will roll it out internationally, with the UK likely to be a prime target for this technology given the popularity of online shopping here.

Company spokesperson Jarmila Placha said that it was important to consider new ways to make things easier for motorists, with this technology being just one of the many areas of innovation that are being pursued at the moment.

Whether or not motorists will be comfortable with the concept of allowing a delivery driver to access their car’s boot is another question, although so long as the app is secure and has failsafe features built in it should be acceptable.

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