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Spanish youngsters embrace m-commerce

Spanish youngsters embrace m-commerce

Posted: 16th Oct 2013

The UK is Europe's leader when it comes to safe shopping online, with Brits choosing to use their home PCs, tablets and smartphones to order products from the web more regularly than consumers in most other nations.

However, new figures show that younger people in Spain are beginning to turn to m-commerce in growing numbers, according to Warc.

About six per cent of the Spanish population currently carry out safe shopping online from their portable devices, which is well behind the 26 per cent who do so in the UK. But amongst the new generation of consumers, this is beginning to change.

Seventy percent of Spanish people questioned in a recent survey, said that they had used their handsets to check up on product details, with 15 per cent then deciding to go through with a purchase via this platform.

A quarter of the mobile shoppers said that they first examined items on their portable devices before getting onto a desktop or laptop computer to complete the transaction.

This shows that there is real value in allowing consumers to view e-commerce sites from smartphones and tablets, even if they do not immediately purchase something.

Spanish consumers under the age of 34 are most likely to shop from a mobile phone and, like their counterparts in the UK, are now indulging in the practice of showrooming, by visiting high street outlets to browse products before buying them online, to get lower prices.

Over a fifth of respondents said that they compare the cost of products online, with a third of the under 34s using comparison tools.

Youngsters were also shown to be far more engaged with online security concerns and the safety of their digital transactions, which perhaps reveals the importance of youth when it comes to online awareness.

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