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Strange things I have received in the post part 1...

Strange things I have received in the post part 1...

Posted: 23rd Sep 2005
When I arrived this morning there was a brown envelope addressed to me in amongst our post. I took it into the office and opened it with interest, as it was quite bulky and looked like it could contain an interesting freebie or something.

Inside was a carrot.

No letter, no note, nothing besides a carrot. This carrot didn't look unusual, it didn't look like a famous person it was just a plain, orange carrot.

How odd! I can't decide if it's a practical joke, a weird piece of marketing or an insult.

The envelope was postmarked Bolton, dated yesterday and was franked. I've got the franking number (PB804992) so I'm trying to track it down where it came from, if anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

What's next, a turnip?
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