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Study Reaffirms Power of Inebriated E-Commerce Activities

Study Reaffirms Power of Inebriated E-Commerce Activities

Posted: 29th Mar 2019

A survey conducted by The Hustle has shown that when people carry out safe shopping online while under the influence of alcohol, they are more likely to make purchases that they would otherwise overlook if in a sober state of mind.

Respondents to the study said that in the course of a typical year they would splash out the equivalent of around £335 in the aftermath of a night on the drink, with four out of five saying that they were susceptible to this type of online shopping habit.

Unsurprisingly, it was fashion items that were the most popular post-pub purchase, with consumers easier to convince to treat themselves to new clothes if their inhibitions have been lowered by booze.

The main winner in the wake of this trend is Amazon, since it is the first choice for the majority of drunk shoppers who are looking for some retail therapy in the early hours of the morning.

One of the reasons that experts believe Amazon to be the inebriated consumers online retailer of choice is that with the Prime subscription service it is quicker and easier for customers to get access to the products they purchase within 24 hours.

Female consumers revealed themselves to be marginally more likely to hit the web and buy items after drinking than their male counterparts, but with a marginal two per cent difference between the two genders this mostly reveals that no matter what, the main motivating factor is the alcohol itself.

More tellingly, it was people who earn more who are more willing to order items while drunk, presumably because they have more disposable income available to them and are thus less likely to be concerned about splashing out a little when under the influence and not living to regret it.

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