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UK release dates of next-gen consoles confirmed

UK release dates of next-gen consoles confirmed

Posted: 12th Sep 2013

The race to see which games console will be the king of the next hardware generation will start in November, with both Sony and Microsoft confirming release dates for their new devices.

In the UK, gaming fans have been able to pre-order both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One via safe shopping online for several months, but the final release dates have only been confirmed within the past few days.

Microsoft has taken longer than Sony to put a date on its console's arrival, but it confirmed that the Xbox One will be arriving in the UK on the 22nd of November.

Meanwhile, the PS4 is touching down a week later on November 29th, giving the Xbox One a small advantage over its Japanese rival.

If you pre-order your next generation console online with some of the biggest retailers, not only will you get it delivered to your home on the launch day in question, but there could be some other benefits coming your way.

For example, Microsoft confirmed that it would be bundling a copy of FIFA 14 with all Xbox One orders, as well as giving early adopters an achievement which recognises their commitment to the platform.

The console race seemed like it was very much falling in favour of Sony earlier in the year, with various issues afflicting the Xbox One.

Microsoft has performed several U-turns on unpopular policies and has even decided to boost the clock speed of the graphics chip and processor, so that the console is faster than originally stated, which has won quite a few fans around to its cause.

With just over a couple of months to go before the big pre-Christmas release of these two consoles, people who want to snap one up and avoid the inevitable shortages should act soon.

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