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Warning: Christmas Shopping can Damage your Health

Warning: Christmas Shopping can Damage your Health

Posted: 1st Dec 2010
The Christmas season is supposed to be one of peace and giving, but for many holiday shoppers, it is anything but that. Not only can Christmas shopping damage the balance of your bank account, but it can also damage your health. The damaging health effects of Christmas shopping are directly related to stress, your body's response to physical or emotional internal and external factors. Studies have shown that stress is the greatest contributor to premature aging because of the many health problems that it can cause.

For many people, the stress of the holidays is more than enough to increase their blood pressures and to send their heart rates soaring, both of which are factors that put you at an increased risk of having a deadly heart attack or a stroke. Even if you only have a slightly elevated blood pressure reading, you could be setting yourself up to develop long term, chronic problems like kidney disease, eye problems, migraines, and circulation issues. The symptoms of high blood pressure are very difficult to detect, which is why it has earned the nickname the silent killer.

But how does Christmas shopping actually increase your stress levels and your blood pressure? For many people, thinking and worrying about finding the perfect gift for a loved one is enough to lead to a rise in blood pressure and heart rate. It may seem silly, but a lot of people worry for days over the smallest things such as if the gift will fit, if the colour is right, or if the gift will be liked. In an effort to avoid disappointing a loved one with a Christmas gift, many people are driving themselves to an early grave. Not only does worrying and panicking over gift giving increase a person's stress levels, but also the physical aspect of shopping itself can take its toll on the holiday shopper. Finding a parking space during the busy Christmas shopping season can be a real source of anxiety as you have to fight off all the other shoppers that are competing for only a handful of parking locations. After that, you have to deal with the crowds, the loud noises, rude sales associates, and scouring the stores for what you want. All of these factors can put you on edge, which will increase your stress levels, blood pressure, and heart rate.

In recent years, however, many Christmas shoppers are turning to online shopping to meet their holiday gift giving needs. Shopping online doesn't take away the mental stress of finding the perfect gift, but it can help with the physical aspects since you can search for your gifts from the comfort of your own home and at your leisure. In the end though, it's important to remember the old saying that when it comes to giving gifts, it's the thought that really counts.
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