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Yell planning m-commerce app

Yell planning m-commerce app

Posted: 19th Sep 2011

Yell Group, which is responsible for publishing business and residential directories both in print and online, is building its very own m-commerce app, according to CityAM.

It will be working in partnership with Netbiscuits, a cloud computing company, in order to allow mobile owners to use safe shopping online when out and about.

After announcing the creation of the app, shares in Yell were up by 13 per cent, indicating just how important m-commerce is seen by the markets.

In a statement, Yell pointed out that it would not only be big name retailers that would be listed and accessible via the app. It is committed to supporting local businesses and small firms, so that the playing field is relatively level and consumers can carry out safe shopping online with the most convenient, affordable company they can.

Yell was quick to point out that its m-commerce services would not be restricted to a single smartphone platform, which means it will probably be making services available on iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7.

Yell is in debt to the tune of £2.7 billion and is hoping that by leveraging the emerging m-commerce market, it will be able to claw its way back into the black and return to profitability.

By joining forces with Microsoft the company is hoping that its reach in the e-commerce market will be greatly extended and the relative strength and awareness of its brand means that it is not starting from scratch.

Of course m-commerce is a hot area of online shopping at the moment and there are various firms scrabbling to get a foothold in order to reap rewards further down the line. This competition is good news for the consumer because affordable prices and top service are sure to follow.

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