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Natural Collection
Natural Collection is the UK's leading and award-winning green shop offering a department store range of ecologically considered products including organic cotton and fair trade clothing and accessories, gorgeous homeware and gardenware
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Web Address: https://www.naturalcollection.com/
Customer Reviews
I've now been waiting 3 months and counting for my order to be delivered in full :O(
Hopeless hopeless delivery service. After our first order took 2 weeks to arrive, we gave them the benefit of the doubt. But the second order took 2 weeks, was incomplete, I had to chase up the rest of the order which took another 3 weeks after 2 more phone calls. They offered nothing in compensation,and so gave me no reason to shop with them again. Now using ecotopia.co.uk who are excellent. My order arrived today after ordering 1.5 days ago :-)
I've now been waiting 3 months and counting for my order to be delivered in full :O(
Hopeless hopeless delivery service. After our first order took 2 weeks to arrive, we gave them the benefit of the doubt. But the second order took 2 weeks, was incomplete, I had to chase up the rest of the order which took another 3 weeks after 2 more phone calls. They offered nothing in compensation,and so gave me no reason to shop with them again. Now using ecotopia.co.uk who are excellent. My order arrived today after ordering 1.5 days ago :-)
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